Tuesday 21 February 2012

An Icon goes home too soon

On Sunday February 12th,i woke up to get ready for church and i was calling out to my hubby who was still in bed,i saw the red light blink on my phone which indicates i had a message,i flipped through my phone and saw all the profile updates''RIP WHITNEY'' and i stood rooted for 10mins.

My Icon cant be dead was what i said out loud and then hurriedly i put on the tv and flipped channels and found out it was true,CNN reported that she had truly passed.I was devastated,not again.I lost MJ 3years ago and i have not gotten over his death and now Whitney?I grew up in a musically inclined environment so am addicted to music especially Pop and R&b,so it is a sad loss for me,the tears could not be controlled(i cried for 2 weeks when Mj passed(lol)you cant blame me,he was my first music love)but with Whitney i prayed more,for her soul and her family.

I have followed her career through out and i know some people will crucify her and say she over used the drugs and did not know when to stop.But i think at a point especially in the last one year she had appeared clean and had gotten her groove back.As the world mourns Whitney Elizabeth Houston,i mourn my second Pop Icon,legend and a friend i made through Music.Sleep on Princess.

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