Sunday 18 March 2012

A Mother's love

Who is a Mother?

Is she the one who brings us into this world? Or is she the one who cares for us, feeds us, looks after us and loves us like no other? Many would get baffled at the perplexity and the apparent simplicity of this question.

To me, a mother is not just the one who brings us into this world. A mother who gives birth, and then leaves the child on the road to die; will you call her a mother? In contrast, a woman who has not given birth to that child (on the road) but takes her home and treats the child as if he/she were her own, is she not a mother? And, in fact, a better mother than the mother who originally gave birth to that child?Hmmm.

As we celebrate Mothers' Day,we rejoice and acknowledge their contribution to the society and mankind as a whole. I celebrate the spirit of motherhood. The power God has placed in the hands of a woman is incredible; the power to reproduce, the power to give birth to life. Without which, mankind would cease to exist. Admit it, men. You are because of women. It is only a woman who can give birth, you only 'help'.As a mother i understand what we go through,the nights we breastfeed,the days of teething when the baby has a temperature that is higher than normal,when he/she begins to crawl and we have to remove everything with in their reach,when he/she says the fist words and we smile and clap,when he/she begins to walk and we are proud to say ''Lil Tam took her first steps today''.

When the baby starts school,when he/she reaches the puberty stage,when we hear the ''mummy is too strict'' words over and over again.Its a great task being a mum,is it the nights you pray for your child,the mornings you ask God to shield her/;him?The days when you do not eat but find food for your child or the day she gets married and you shed tears of joy.

Iya ni wura,Our Mothers are treasures that can never be replaced.To every mother out there,keep the flag flying,you rock the world.

1 comment:

  1. Went through your blog and I must confess this is lovely and I noticed you a new bloger,I'm impressed, you have done well for a new bloger, keep the good work going. I wish you all the best.
